Button Widgets#

class Button(text: Optional[str] = None, color: Optional[str] = None, close: Optional[bool] = None, size: Optional[str] = None, disabled: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Block

Render a <button> with Bootstrap styling.


>>> button = Button(text="My Button")

When rendered in the template with the wildewdigets template tag, this will produce:

<button type="button" class="button btn btn-secondary">My Button</button>
Keyword Arguments:
  • text – The text to use for the button

  • color – The Boostrap color class to use for the button

  • close – The Boostrap close icon will be used for the button

  • size – The Bootstrap button size - None, ‘sm’, ‘lg’

  • disabled – If True, the button will be disabled

block: str = 'button'#

block is the official wildewidgets name of the block; it can’t be changed by constructor kwargs

close: bool = False#

If True, ignore text and make this into a Bootstrap “close” button with a close icon.

color: str = 'secondary'#

The Boostrap color class to use for the button

size: str = None#

If True, ignore text and make this into a Bootstrap “close” button with a close icon.

tag: str = 'button'#

The name of the HTML element to use as our tag, e.g. div

text: str = 'Button'#

The text to use for the button

class ButtonRow(*blocks, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Block

blocks: List[Union[str, Widget]]#

The internal list of blocks that are this block’s content

class CollapseButton(target: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Button

Render a <button> with Bootstrap styling which toggles a collapse.


>>> button = CollapseButton(text="My Button", target='#mymodal')

When rendered in the template with the wildewdigets template tag, this will produce:

<button type="button" class="button button--collapse btn btn-secondary"
    data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#mymodal"
    aria-expanded="false aria-controls="mymodal">My Button</button>
Keyword Arguments:

target – The CSS target for the Bootstrap collapse

block: str = 'button button--collapse'#

block is the official wildewidgets name of the block; it can’t be changed by constructor kwargs

target: Optional[str] = None#

The CSS target for the Bootstrap collapse

class FormButton(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Block

Render a <form> with optional hidden inputs and a submit button.


>>> button = FormButton(
    data={'field1': 'value1'}

When rendered in the template with the wildewdigets template tag, this will produce:

<form action="/my/form/action" method="post" class="button-form">
    <input type="hidden" name="csrfmiddlewaretoken" value="__THE_CSRF_TOKEN__">
    <input type="hidden" name="field1" value="value1">
    <input type="submit" class="button button--submit btn btn-secondary" value="Save">

All the constructor parameters can be set in a subclass of this class as class attributes. Parameters to the constructor override any defined class attributes.

Keyword Arguments:
  • text – The text to use for the button, defaults to ‘Button’

  • color – The Boostrap color class to use for the button, defaults to ‘secondary’

  • button_css_class – a string of classes to apply to the button, defaults to no classes.

  • button_attributes – Set any additional attributes for the button as key, value pairs, defaults to no additional attributes.

  • button_data_attributes – Set data- attributes for the button, defaults to no data attributes

get_context_data(*args, **kwargs) Dict[str, Any][source]#

Update the template context dictionary used when rendering this block.

Keyword Arguments:

**kwargs – the current context dictionary


The updated context dictionary

block: str = 'button-form'#

block is the official wildewidgets name of the block; it can’t be changed by constructor kwargs

tag: str = 'form'#

The name of the HTML element to use as our tag, e.g. div

template_name: str = 'wildewidgets/button--form.html'#

The name of the template to use to render this widget

class InputButton(confirm_text: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Button

Render an <input type="submit"> with Bootstrap button styling.


>>> button = InputButton(text="Save")

When rendered in the template with the wildewdigets template tag, this will produce:

<input type="submit" class="button button--submit btn btn-secondary" value="Save">
block: str = 'button--submit'#

block is the official wildewidgets name of the block; it can’t be changed by constructor kwargs

tag: str = 'input'#

The name of the HTML element to use as our tag, e.g. div

template_name: str = 'wildewidgets/block--simple.html'#

The name of the template to use to render this widget

class LinkButton(url: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Button

Render an <a> with Bootstrap button styling which toggles a Bootstrap modal.


>>> button = LinkButton(text="My Button", url='https://myexample.com')

When rendered in the template with the wildewdigets template tag, this will produce:

<a href="https://myexample.com" class="button button--link btn btn-secondary">My Button</a>
Keyword Arguments:

url – The URL for the href attribute of the <a> record, defaults to no URL.

block: str = 'button button--link'#

block is the official wildewidgets name of the block; it can’t be changed by constructor kwargs

tag: str = 'a'#

The name of the HTML element to use as our tag, e.g. div

class ModalButton(target: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Button

Render a <button> with Bootstrap styling which toggles a Bootstrap modal.


>>> button = ModalButton(text="My Button", target='#mymodal')

When rendered in the template with the wildewdigets template tag, this will produce:

<button type="button" class="button button--modal btn btn-secondary" data-toggle="modal"
data-target="#mymodal">My Button</button>
Keyword Arguments:

target – The CSS target for the Bootstrap modal

block: str = 'button button--modal'#

block is the official wildewidgets name of the block; it can’t be changed by constructor kwargs

target: Optional[str] = None#

The CSS target for the Bootstrap modal