
There are a number of general purpose widgets available, along with some supporting classes.

  • BasicMenu

  • LightMenu - Often used as a submenu beneath the main menu.

  • MenuMixin - Used for view classes that utilize menus.

  • TemplateWidget - A generic widget that gives you full control over both the content and the layout.

  • TabbedWidget - A widget that contains other widgets in a tabbed interface.

  • BasicHeader - A header widget that is a base class for widgets with right justified controls.

  • HeaderWithLinkButton - A header widget with a link button on the right.

  • HeaderWithModalButton - A header widget with a modal button on the right.

  • ModalWidget - A Bootstrap modal dialog widget base class.

  • CrispyFormModalWidget - A Boostrap modal dialog containing a crispy form.

  • WidgetStream - A container widget that contains a list of child widgets that are displayed sequentially.

  • CardWidget - A Bootstrap card widget that displays a child widget in its body.

  • CodeWidget - A widget that contains a block of syntax highlighted code.

  • MarkdownWidget - A widget that contains a block of rendered markdown text.


A template widget encapsulates a defined UI element on a page. It consists of data, and the template to display the data:

class HelloWorldWidget(TemplateWidget):
    template_name = 'core/hello_world.html'

    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        kwargs['data'] = "Hello world"
        return kwargs


A tabbed widget contains other widgets in a tabbed interface. Tabs are added by called add_tab with the name to display on the tab, and the widget to display under that tab. It can be any type of wildewidgets widget:

class TestTabbedWidget(TabbedWidget):

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        widgets = WidgetStream()
        self.add_tab("Test 1", widgets)

        widgets = WidgetStream()
        self.add_tab("Test 2", widgets)